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Software Engineering
Hazrina Sofian
Computer System & Network
Noorzaily Mohamed Nor
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Nurul Japar
Information System
Sri Devi A/p Ravana
Hannyzzura Pal@affal
Islamic Studies
Hannyzzura Pal@affal

Covid-19 Quarantine Management System


Siti Khalidah Binti A Ramli


Kasturi Dewi A/p Varathan


University Malaya Medical Centre

The world is currently facing a significant pandemic that is known as the COVID-19 disease. The virus is known to spread quickly especially through droplets especially from coughing and sneezing from an infected person. It is undeniable that the COVID-19 pandemic has fully taken over the world with its infection rate that increases tremendously after it is first discovered in a market in Wuhan, China. Critical patients are required to stay at medical facilities for observation while those who are in close contact are encouraged to have their own self-quarantine at their own place. With increased number of infected patients, some of them needed to quarantine at home to prevent collapse of the global health care system. Many countries have advocated for infected patients with mild symptoms to stay home and self-quarantine (Xu, Huang, Qiu, Liu, Deng, Jiao, Tan, Ai, Xiao, Belliato, Yan, 2020). This paper focuses on the study of a solution for the patients. This case is known as the asymptomatic type, where the patients are required to have their quarantine at home after being tested for COVID-19 infection. Specifically, this system will contribute a lot to those people as nowadays, hospitals are at limit with their capacity to hold the infected COVID-19 patients, therefore those who are not in the critical phase are encouraged to have their own self-quarantine at home or any place for at least 14 days. This system acts as a communication platform between patients and doctors while the doctors can monitor the condition of the patients. This can help them to flatten the COVID-19 infection curve without having to deal anymore risk of a more critical case.