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List of Coordinators Departments and coordinators
Software Engineering
Hazrina Sofian
Computer System & Network
Noorzaily Mohamed Nor
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Nurul Japar
Information System
Sri Devi A/p Ravana
Hannyzzura Pal@affal
Islamic Studies
Hannyzzura Pal@affal

Restaurant Management System


Parthiban A/l Nadarajan


Muhammad Reza Z'aba


Restoran Nasi Kandar Fairos

The purpose of this restaurant ordering system project is developed to transform the old and traditional system that mostly used by the restaurants to a new and more efficient ordering system. The standard ordering method is inconvenient for both employees and consumers because it necessitates a great deal of manual labour. The manual work performed by the workers can result in certain human mistakes, such as giving the wrong bill to the customers, the waiter's handwriting being unattractive, and the order sequence being incorrect. Customers would be dissatisfied with the restaurant as a result of all of these human mistakes. As a result, this restaurant ordering system was created to assist the restaurant in better management. The time it takes to place an order has been cut in half thanks to this ordering system. When customers eat in the restaurant, they do not have to wait for service. Customers would be happier with this ordering system.