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List of Coordinators Departments and coordinators
Software Engineering
Hazrina Sofian
Computer System & Network
Noorzaily Mohamed Nor
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Nurul Japar
Information System
Sri Devi A/p Ravana
Hannyzzura Pal@affal
Islamic Studies
Hannyzzura Pal@affal

Malaysian Culture And Costumes


Nurul Hasibah Binti Akbar Ali


Nornazlita Hussin


Salma Alzahra

As the world keeps on revolving, we are more invested with the new trending list such as music, games and entertainment. Our culture and tradition had been long forgotten. Other than that, before we visit another country, we are supposed to have the basic knowledge about the country and we must understand their culture so as to not offend citizens from other countries.

For my final year project, I had decided to develop a Malaysian Cultural and Traditional Costume application. Nowadays, no matter the age, we are all infatuated with our mobile phones. Therefore, by creating this application on an android platform phone, I hope many people whether they are from Malaysia or citizens from other countries will be interested and become more aware about our Malaysian culture.

This mobile application is created not only to show and educate tourists about our Malaysian cultural festival and traditional costume but even to our Malaysian citizens that may have already forgotten about our culture or young children that are interested in learning our culture. I hope this application can be useful to many people and they can gain knowledge through this interactive mobile application.

This mobile application contain few important module. The first one is description of the festival and traditional costume. In addition to that, there is audio description explaining in detail about the cultural festival. Next, 3D traditional costume. User able to view the detail and have a clearer vision regarding the traditional costume through 3D animation. The 3D animation of the 3D traditional costume allow user to have a better image on how the costume looks like. Next, there is augmented reality (AR) world. User able to experience viewing the 3D traditional costume in a real-world environment. Lastly, there is quiz where user able to test their knowledge regarding their understanding about Malaysian Cultural Festival and Traditional Costume.