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Software Engineering
Hazrina Sofian
Computer System & Network
Noorzaily Mohamed Nor
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Nurul Japar
Information System
Sri Devi A/p Ravana
Hannyzzura Pal@affal
Islamic Studies
Hannyzzura Pal@affal

Development Of Education Domain Based Chatbot


Maral Bahari


Muhammad Shahreeza Safiruz Kassim



In recent years, the use of chatbots has grown significantly in a variety of industries, including marketing, support systems, education, health care, cultural heritage, and entertainment. The aim of this project is to develop a smart chatbot for an educational institution to automate the process of addressing the students enquires.

This paper discusses the background as well as the history of chatbot development, reviews relevant literature on the topic, applies a machine learning method to implement a smart chatbot using the Rasa framework and discusses the project’s methodology, the system analysis, the system implementation and lastly the outcome of the project.