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List of Coordinators Departments and coordinators
Software Engineering
Hazrina Sofian
Computer System & Network
Noorzaily Mohamed Nor
Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Nurul Japar
Information System
Sri Devi A/p Ravana
Hannyzzura Pal@affal
Islamic Studies
Hannyzzura Pal@affal

Task Assignment System For Small And Medium-sized Enterprises (smes)


Nik Mohamad Idhan Bin Nazri


Hazrina Sofian


Netsinity Sdn Bhd

System to analyse the limitations of the existing process in task management. This system also acts as a solution proposal that is able to ease the communications and workload. In addition to solution proposal, the project is also to develop a mobile app for the vendor’s clients to issue problem tickets and a web-based system for the vendor (SME) to administrate tasks. Also, this app aims to carry out an evaluation of the mobile and web application.